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Making Suggestions
When you come to a Ponies performance, you're the star! Our actors take suggestions from the audience to develop the characters, scenes, or dialogue in each game. We love hearing what you come up with!
Want to get your suggestion on the show? We've got a few tips!
Be quick!
Once you hear our host say, "What we need from the audience..." be ready to offer your suggestion.
Be loud!
Don't be afraid to shout your ideas out.
Keep it simple.
The longer your suggestion, the less likely we are to hear you properly.
Sit close.
Come on up to the front row. We don't bite!
Laugh a lot!
If we see you laughing, we'll know you've got a good sense of humor and should have good suggestions.
Bring friends!
The more people you have to cheer on your suggestions, the more likely they will be chosen.
Know the audience.
Make sure your suggestion is content appropriate for the people in attendance.
Written Suggestions
A few of our games rely on on items written by our audience before hand. When you come to a Ponies performance, you'll see numbered colored buckets at the front of the stage with slips of paper and pencils. Often, a few of our actors will be walking around with these materials as well. Before and during the show, audiences have the opportunity to write their suggestions for these games to possibly be included.
Here are the games that require written suggestions. Click on each one to find out what we need and to see a few of our favorite suggestions from previous shows!
Scenes from a Pony Bucket
Shoot from the Hip
World's Worst
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